India – back during off-season

After Sri Lanka I went back to India to take my bike and go for another 30 days somewhere before I have to go back to Germany. I arrived in Trivandrum, got a Riksha and the first thing the driver tried to do is convincing me to go with him to Varkala (~50km) because it’s […]

Hampi – staying in

Hampi is shanti Hampi is bouldering Hampi is many people from everywhere Hampi is Yoga Hampi is sunset at the plateau Hampi is temples… Don’t worry be Hampi. I heard this sentence since I arrived the first time many times and it explains Hampi very good. next to Hampi is Hampi Island, which you reach […]

Arambol (Goa)

going to Goa was not an adventure I had expected. during NYE I got an invitation from a girl I met in Hampi to join her and a friend of her on the way to goa sharing her seat in the nightbus if I cannot get my own seat. cool why not I’m in! luckily […]

Hampi is calling

Leaving Vang Vieng in the morning at 9:30. 5h later arrived in Vientiane. Changing tuktuk sometimes and reached the train station. paid 10.000 KIP for the stamp in my passport to leave the country, got in the first train to Nong Khai and was back in Thailand :) buying a Chang while waiting for the […]